Thursday, April 8, 2010

Peeve of the Day: RECYCLING!!!

Now that I've complained about audiobooks and toilet paper dispensers, I need to talk about recycling. It's great, don't get me wrong, but the "big man" who does it is a complete hypocrite. (Say what??)

Ok, I went to a small Catholic college in Maine, and one of my core classes was "Environmental Science." I learned lots of things like, anything white is bleached is bad for either you or the environment, or both. For instance. It is much safer for the environment if you use the brown toiletpaper and paper towels because the process in staining the supplies white is very bad. Yet, just about any public building (including my college) used white. This is how I learned about the hypocrisy's of the "big man."

Another example: Bottles and cans. EVERYONE recycles bottles; but what about #4 plastics and cans? Cans are usually recycled, but any other material is hardly worth the effort (after all, you don't get 5 cents for a can or a Dunkin Donut's cup! Why bother?

Do you know how many Dunkin Donuts cups I see in the classroom every day? At least 7 between the 3 classrooms I frequent. All that plastic is thrown in a landfill because it is not profitable to recycle.

So, yes, I had a huge grudge against my Environmental Science teacher in college. I have a huge beef with all schools in general, and I test the system every chance I get! Whenever I have a yogurt, or plastic cup--anything recyclable--I put it in the bottles' bin. I hope one day it will catch on....

1 comment:

  1. They take all that stuff here and you can put it all in the same bin.
